Wednesday, 7 September 2011

x welcome x

So its the 7th September 2011 and yesterday was the launch of my new website! .. *big smiles & jumps around the room, hehe*  :)

Soooo anyway a bit behind the scenes .. Who is Kerry Gardner? ..

Iv been running and advertising my business - Kerry Gardner Photography since April 2011. I live in a little village called Elton, near Chester. 
This time last year i would never of expected to be running my own business and for it to have taken off so well, so soon. 
My last year of Uni was pretty pants to be honest; my father 'Andrew Gardner' was paralysed in a motorbike accident in Aug 09 in the Isle Of Man, then I found out I was pregnant.... and then I lost the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for... My Grandma, Maureen. x <3

But... I did it... I graduated with a 2.1 degree, my dad is walking again and I hope Im making my Grandma proud <3

My life has changed..... and then the 30th July 2010 appeared and it sure was the best day of my life <3  

A feeling that can't be described. It is a combination of feeling every ounce of love beam through you, the proudest moment of your life, the inspiration behind my business, the miracle that makes me smile every single day; my Daughter, Renae .... Now I knew life was just beginning, which brings me to today....... 

Thats one thing off my list - start blog - TICK 

My beautiful Daughter, Renae ... When she actually sat still, there's no chance of that now hehe <3

x Kerry x

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