Thursday, 17 May 2012

Before you choose a photographer......

There is an ever expanding group of those who have visited their local camera shop and have purchased a camera 'That can take amazing pictures'.

I am a firm believer that your images should be the very best possible images I can create. Newborn babies only have that adorable 'tiny baby' look for a limited number of weeks. Its called the womb shaped appearance and newborns are best photographed before they reach 2 weeks old. After this you will start to see the chubbiness of an 'older' baby arrive & they become more alert.

There are too many 'photographers' out there who are happy to charge £50 and give you all the images on a disk (can be up in the 100's & unedited!), but ask yourself, what will the quality of these images be if the photographer themselves, only value each of their own images at just a pence each?
I would far rather produce 10 perfect works of art, than hundreds of mass 'snapped' tonally flat images that, in reality, anyone with a camera, (even a camera phone now a days) can produce. Each of my images take time to create, as I ensure each 'pose' is as perfect as it possibly can be.

I spend as long as is needed in the studio with my clients, until the images are possible. If they aren't for any reason (baby may be poorly, or even going through a growth spurt) in which case I will rebook the session for free, rather than take 'second best' images.

I strive to improve my work all the time & look for images which are different from every one else’s. I LOVE being different. I want my work to stand out in a crowd. I want a client to see my work and say “that’s Kerry Gardner Photography’s photo’.

After all my sessions, I then spend several hours, perfecting further the image, until it becomes a fabulous work of art that you can proudly hang on your wall. I do offer affordable CD packages, but I only offer a selected amount of images per package, which are edited to a high standard. I also offer a product & printing service too and to which the products are to a VERY high standard & look fabulous!

If you pay cheap, then you will get cheap looking images. Flat, grey patchy backgrounds, over exposed, babies not posed correctly & unsafely!!!
Don’t put your little ones at risk with a photographer who claims they are a ‘professional’ when they are not. Whether they work from home, at clients homes or have there own shop.. always do your homework and look into their background. Have they any qualifications or experience in photography? What is there newborn work like? Have they been recommended? What are their packages like? Are they too cheap for the things their offering?

Don’t waste your money, put it towards a photoshoot that will give you gorgeous, outstanding images to look back on over years to come.

Is your baby not worth more??

Hopefully that will answer your question about my pricing and quality, the rest is up to you. I am not what they call an expensive photographer.. I am not what they call cheap… I am a professional affordable photographer based in Cheshire who specialises in newborn & children’s photography.

Kerry x x

Gorgeous little sleepy lion, Coleton! "ROARRRR" hehe x 

 Try something different today with Kerry Gardner Photography - 
Here is one of my new Adventure themes images with gorgeous baby Lyla. x

To see new uptodate images, please visit Kerry Gardner Photography at Facebook. :) 

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Its all tiny toes this Spring

Its March 1st and what a beautiful sunny day! I have been exceptionally busy in 2012 with lots of gorgeous newborns. LOVE IT! Every session is just so different & although i book sessions with newborns who are under 2 weeks old, they all have there own unique personalities, this is what makes my photos so different from one another & makes me love my job even more!

My adventure themes which i published in January 2012, have been a great hit & now parents are starting to join in by requesting certain creative themes! Iv just finished putting together my theme for todays shoot, so ill blog about that in the next day or so, I'm sure the parents are going to love it! :)

Sooo anyway I'm just going to ramble on a little bit about what iv been doing with the newborns recently, iv been purchasing LOTS of lovely props & have been asked to photograph some props in use by a lovely prop maker from Manchester. Her work is FAB! :) Ill post some images once iv stopped chatting hehe!

Yesterday i photographed a gorge little newborn named Noah. He was so well behaved and slept pretty much all the way through the session so i managed to capture a NEW unique shot! Words can not describe how im feeling right now!! Eakkkk! Iv been running 10 months now & achieved so much, met so many lovely clients & loved every minute of it.. BUT yesterday I achieved one of the hardest newborn poses any professional newborn photographer has to do! It takes, time & skill to do this photo & I cant begin to explain the amount of research & practice I have had to do over time. The most important thing of all is the safety of the newborn baby & I of course take this very seriously.. The image below is a composite, hope you all love my work just as much as i do....I Love Noah's little pout!..  I'm going to stop rambling now & try to show you some of my fav's from February's sessions.. Its been so hard to choose, i have so many favourites, there all so beautiful! xx

Gorgeous sleepy newborn Zac modelling my owl hat. Zac was such a sleepy baby, he was a dream to work with and we captured so many FAB shots of him <3

 I absolutely L.O.V.E this bumble bee shot. Im not a big fan of bumble bees.. BUT here we have such a beautiful little bumble bee named Reuben! .. Little Reuben had to pop back to the studio as he was far to excited the first time around whilst having the family photos taken & then he didn't want to miss out on  anything! But during his next visit a couple of days later he was well behaved & slept peacefully .. I think collecting all that honey had tired him out.. hehe *bzzzz*

Last but not least we have gorgeous Ralphie! Ive had a lot of boys in the studio over the last 2 weeks hehe! And Ralphie has been one of the sleepiest babies i have EVER met, he was a little treasure. Here he is modelling my new hat which I HANDMADE myself hehe, look at those little pouting lips! <3

To see more of my work, please add my Facebook page and keep up to date with my offers & photos.. I best dash & get in the studio for todays newborn girl session xx

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Jan 2012.. The release of my new ideas...

Ok I hold my hands up ... Im a bit pants at this blogging malarky! Been so busy with Christmas sessions and now 2012 has arrived! Its all go! ...

So what am I up too?... well I have just released my new '2012' ideas, which i have been working on for a couple of months now.... I have added a little paragraph below about it all & a couple of my new images to this blog too, so hopefully you can see them ok. There only to email quality so they may not be the best but 'fingers crossed there ok'. Ill make sure i keep up to date with the blogging from now on..... hehe.

Kerry Gardner Photography holds all copyright to these images, so please do not copy or take these images without my permission..... Enjoy & please keep checking back to see more & more of my new ideas over the next coming months (theres a book full of new designs!) 
Oh and remember... you seen it here first, by Kerry Gardner Photography, Based in the heart of Cheshire :) 

The Adventures Of The Tiny Toes…

After many late nights of working & designing, I racked my brains to bring something totally different to show you all. I have worked so hard into putting my creativity into something I love so much ‘Photography’ and I have decided to release my new ideas. I am led to believe I am the first professional photographer in Cheshire to do photos like these. 
I have made a book full of upcoming ideas, but for now I have uploaded a few for you to see via facebook & here on my blog. 

All the images you see here have been created by myself & from the inspiration from another artist across the world. All the materials you see in the photos have been made or bought by me!!

I love my job and I love sharing my work with the public! Since starting my business 9 months ago, I have discovered that the business world has no stone unturned. It’s how you portray your work & put your ‘own’ stamp on it, which makes your different. Creativity & my own personal touch are factors into making my work so different from everyone else’s. 

I hope you love my new work, just as much as I do.

 A stork carrying a beautiful bundle of joy

Washing Line :)
Off out fishing...
Up, up and awayyyy

**jumps around the room, excited! hehe**

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

x welcome x

So its the 7th September 2011 and yesterday was the launch of my new website! .. *big smiles & jumps around the room, hehe*  :)

Soooo anyway a bit behind the scenes .. Who is Kerry Gardner? ..

Iv been running and advertising my business - Kerry Gardner Photography since April 2011. I live in a little village called Elton, near Chester. 
This time last year i would never of expected to be running my own business and for it to have taken off so well, so soon. 
My last year of Uni was pretty pants to be honest; my father 'Andrew Gardner' was paralysed in a motorbike accident in Aug 09 in the Isle Of Man, then I found out I was pregnant.... and then I lost the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for... My Grandma, Maureen. x <3

But... I did it... I graduated with a 2.1 degree, my dad is walking again and I hope Im making my Grandma proud <3

My life has changed..... and then the 30th July 2010 appeared and it sure was the best day of my life <3  

A feeling that can't be described. It is a combination of feeling every ounce of love beam through you, the proudest moment of your life, the inspiration behind my business, the miracle that makes me smile every single day; my Daughter, Renae .... Now I knew life was just beginning, which brings me to today....... 

Thats one thing off my list - start blog - TICK 

My beautiful Daughter, Renae ... When she actually sat still, there's no chance of that now hehe <3

x Kerry x