Thursday, 12 January 2012

Jan 2012.. The release of my new ideas...

Ok I hold my hands up ... Im a bit pants at this blogging malarky! Been so busy with Christmas sessions and now 2012 has arrived! Its all go! ...

So what am I up too?... well I have just released my new '2012' ideas, which i have been working on for a couple of months now.... I have added a little paragraph below about it all & a couple of my new images to this blog too, so hopefully you can see them ok. There only to email quality so they may not be the best but 'fingers crossed there ok'. Ill make sure i keep up to date with the blogging from now on..... hehe.

Kerry Gardner Photography holds all copyright to these images, so please do not copy or take these images without my permission..... Enjoy & please keep checking back to see more & more of my new ideas over the next coming months (theres a book full of new designs!) 
Oh and remember... you seen it here first, by Kerry Gardner Photography, Based in the heart of Cheshire :) 

The Adventures Of The Tiny Toes…

After many late nights of working & designing, I racked my brains to bring something totally different to show you all. I have worked so hard into putting my creativity into something I love so much ‘Photography’ and I have decided to release my new ideas. I am led to believe I am the first professional photographer in Cheshire to do photos like these. 
I have made a book full of upcoming ideas, but for now I have uploaded a few for you to see via facebook & here on my blog. 

All the images you see here have been created by myself & from the inspiration from another artist across the world. All the materials you see in the photos have been made or bought by me!!

I love my job and I love sharing my work with the public! Since starting my business 9 months ago, I have discovered that the business world has no stone unturned. It’s how you portray your work & put your ‘own’ stamp on it, which makes your different. Creativity & my own personal touch are factors into making my work so different from everyone else’s. 

I hope you love my new work, just as much as I do.

 A stork carrying a beautiful bundle of joy

Washing Line :)
Off out fishing...
Up, up and awayyyy

**jumps around the room, excited! hehe**